

Hadith Muslim 1602 (en en2) Mohamed deeds and examples (30) Black slave (9) Racism (12)
Mohamed refuses allegiance of Slaves, an arab slave is equivalent to 2 black slaves
Hadith An Nasai 4621 (en en2) An arab slave is equivalent to 2 black slaves, Mohamed refuses allegiance from slaves
Hadith Tirmidhi 1596 (en en2) A slave gave the pledge, Mohamed purchased him for two black slaves
Hadith Al Bukhari 6161 (en en2) Black slave (9)
Allah's Messenger was on a journey and he had a black slave called Anjasha
Hadith Al Bukhari 6202 (en en2) Anjashah, the slave of the Prophet, was driving their camels
Hadith Al Bukhari 4234 (en en2) Religiosity (13) Black slave (9)
Mohamed had a slave named Midam
Hadith Al Bukhari 7263 (en en2) Black slave (9)
Mohamed was staying on an attic and a black slave was at the top the stair
Hadith An Nasai 3827 (en en2) Religiosity (13) Black slave (9)
One of Mohamed's black slave went to Hell because of a cloak he took from the spoils
Hadith Al Bukhari 6707 (en en2) A slave stole a sheet from the war booty on the day of Khaibar, is now burning over him